Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall Thoughts

I think I got everything figured out finally for bloging purposes! I was having issues with an old e-mail and had to scrap everything, But we should be good for now.

So it's almost October, it is Autumn, and I can wear jeans and sweatshirts as much as I want to! Oh yes Bowling leauge has started too and I'm proud to announce that this past week I bowled a game of 197! Yes that's over half of 300 (a perfect game)!!! I got 5 strikes in a row!! Now does anyone know what that is called? 3 is a turkey so what would 5 be? I was excited and yes blew Jason out of the water! (The only thing I can beat him at though)

We have just about harvested everything out of our garden.... We have a few cantelope left and potatoes to dig up yet. The few we have dug up though look beautiful! One is close to being as big as my foot!

New Blog!


Thank you for moving with us!! We will keep you updated from now on using this blog and not JJ's Hoopla.