Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Big 4 M O Pictures

Workin' time with Mom
Uncle Marques giving me lunch
PJ party with my cousins Juleah and Clara

Great Grandma Ruth

The Big 4 M O!

Wow who would of thought that I'd be a Mom this spring!? I'm still amazed at this little boy that God brought us. He is getting bigger with each day and now that he's 4 months old he has gained another 2 pounds and 2 inches! So we are up to 15.8lbs and 27in!

Azariah's new way of communication has come a long way! We used to flat out cry and then it was screaming like a little girl and now he has figured out how to grunt and fake cough. His giggles are never ending and his toes are constantly in his mouth! He still is a "Go-Go Gadget" especially when I need to change is diaper ;) His hair has continued to grow as well! I haven't cut it yet so he still has baby hair and new growth hair making him look rather funny at times! His eyes are still blue and we hope they stay that beautiful color.

He has also come a long way in bath time. Grandma Carol said he never liked his baths and had an anxiety about the bathroom... Now he has learned to splash and play with his toy boats. Samson gets jealous and remains at the side of the tub the entire time trying to catch a lick here and there and sometimes he almost gets away with a boat!

Azariah hasn't rolled over from his back to front yet but he has from front to back. We are so close but it will have to wait. His favorite exploration techniques are grabbing! Jason and I can no longer eat with him in our lap or else we will be wearing our food! He is also teething and wants everything in his mouth! (Including Samson :p)

His favorite activities are jumping in his Johnny Jumper or sitting in his exersaucer! We went to Jackson and saw Nolan for the first time! Wow babies come tiny!!! Azariah is already almost the size of two Nolans :) It was fun to spend time with the new addition and more importantly play Chutes and Ladders with Juleah!

This week is a big one, Jenni took her second to last EMT test (and passed! One more National test to go!), Azariah saw the Dr for his Baby Well 4 mo check up, and Jason travels to Sioux Falls for work! and to get our recliner we bought over Craig's list. We are all over the place so until next time!!

God Bless and see you soon!