Monday, March 25, 2013

Phone to God

I'll remember this one forever: I was talking to God in the shower the other day when AJ yells in the bathroom "who you talking to?" I reply back "Oh, I'm just talking to God." A few minutes later both my son and husband come walking in to the bathroom and my husband informs me that AJ wanted to know if I had a phone in the shower that I was using to talk to God with! Oh my beautiful boy how you steal my heart!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Time!

Day One

Two kinds of tomatoes, peppers and marigolds!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Counting the days!

AJ cut up paper to help me make a paper chain to count down the days to our adoption. The Kirchner house is getting ready for our baby girl!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Life Touched, Thank You

I walked into my office this morning and found a small surprise. See Jason and I are preparing for a new family member and I've let family and friends in on our fast moving second adoption. As a matter of fact just this past week I've opened up and shared it with my employees because at any moment our girl may come into this world and they deserve to know that I'll be leaving soon. However, I've shared with only a few how I've sold some boy things so I could bring our little girl home in pink and not blue. And not that blue would be so bad but I didn't have any newborn or 0-3 outfits as I brought my son home when he was 2 and a half months old and he was so tall to begin with that he didn't fit into anything smaller than 6 mo outfits anyway. So needless to say I had nothing for a newborn in either pink or blue. I remember how I felt so overwhelmed when I went to a second hand store to sell some boy clothes so I could buy a few newborn outfits. I have raised a child already why was I so overwhelmed? I would say I had an anxiety level I've never experienced before! I did pick up a few things I needed and since then I was so blessed by my family to receive some more needed items. So today when I came into work and found a gift bag full of Pink Girly clothes, hats, hair ties, shoes, dresses, tights and even a blanket! I was overwhelmed by God's grace and humbled that He would answer such a small and silly prayer to have some pink things for our soon to be daughter. A month to prepare has sent me flying and I'm just so thankful to this secret giver for doing more than just passing along a few girl things, whoever you are you have truly been a message from God for me that no matter what or how small and silly the hopes and dreams I have are, He will provide. And that hasn't been the only act of kindness my family has received. I am so grateful for good friends who have helped us with larger items that we are able to borrow such as a swing and a car seat. Everything combined made today's small gift break me of my anxiety as I am reminded how God will always provide even when we least expect it.Thank you for touching my life in such a small but truly large way!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


This week I took AJ to a band concert that my sister was playing in. After he got his foot stuck in the chair I held him in my lap and he finished the concert off by playing the drums on my knees!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I think AJ's sandbox is going to wash away!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Azariah's New Doll!

Grandma gave us a doll to play with and Azariah loves her so much! He is carting her around like she is his best bud. And when he found an old nuk of his he had to have it so he could be just like dolly!